Since 2008, the Amgen Safety Net Foundation (ASNF) has provided nearly $15 billion worth of Amgen medicines to help hundreds of thousands of qualifying patients gain access to their therapy in the United States.
Amgen Safety Net Foundation (ASNF) is a nonprofit patient assistance program established in 2001, sponsored by Amgen. ASNF was designed to assist patients who have a financial need, and are uninsured or the insurance plan excludes the Amgen medicine. ASNF supports qualifying residents of the U.S. and its territories. ASNF provides access to every patient who qualifies.
Our commitment is to provide access to Amgen medicines to qualifying U.S. patients at no cost
“The experience of having received this medication in our lives has been incredible. The Foundation has given us the hope of returning to a normal life.”
“My experience with the Amgen Safety Net Foundation has been fantastic. They have been so helpful. You couldn’t ask for nicer folks.”
“I got a letter from them saying that I had been approved. I was really excited and happy.”